The recently formed Professional Drag Racers Association (PDRA) announced today, minimum weight limits for entries to its Pro Extreme (PX), Pro Nitrous (PN) and brand-new Pro Boost (PB) classes.
“The minimum weights are going to change a bit from what people were used to last year. Our Pro Extreme minimum is going from 2,200 pounds to 2,275 pounds,” PDRA Technical Director Rick Moore said. “That includes both car and driver and after weighing these cars all last year I can say there were a lot more heavier cars than there were light cars in this class, so this change will actually affect relatively few of the current teams.”
Similarly, Moore said the minimum weight in Pro Nitrous will increase from 2,300 pounds to 2,375 pounds.
“The way it was the rules benefited just a handful of lightweight cars while basically handicapping the rest of the field,” he explained. “What we’re doing will be more advantageous to more teams, to the drivers who might be a little bigger than others or to the smaller teams that maybe can’t afford the $150-thousand chassis.”
For the new Pro Boost class the minimum weight will be 2,550 pounds, Moore said. “There will be no overdrive restriction or rear gear restriction,” he added. “As long as its turbocharged, ProCharged or you run a 14-71 supercharger and you weigh at least 2,550 pounds, you can come race.”
Moore also said the Extreme Pro Stock (XPS) minimum weight of 2,425 pounds will not change, but the Pro Extreme Motorcycle (PXM) minimum may be slightly altered—but not before he consults with several top PXM drivers and tuners.
“We only want to make changes that will benefit the class—in any class,” Moore stated. “We’ll have a complete set of rules out very soon, but felt it was important to get these minimum weights out there as soon as possible so everyone can start preparing accordingly.”
This story was originally published on January 15, 2014.